
天使 by Rammstein

已有 401 次阅读2019-8-17 10:26

Who in their lifetime is good on Earth一生中做尽好事的人
Will become an angel after death身后会变成天使
You look to the sky and ask但当你遥望天空的时候
Why can't you see them为什么看不见他们?

Only once the clouds have gone to sleep如果云朵能睡觉的话
Can you see us in the sky你就能在天空中看到我们
We are afraid and alone我们胆小而孤独
Because God knows I don't want to be an angel 因为上帝知道,我们不想成为天使

They live behind the sunshine他们在阳光的背影里生活
Separated from us, infinitely far遥不可及
They must cling to the stars (Very tightly)他们可要紧紧的抱住星星
So they don't fall from the sky以免从空中坠落

Only once the clouds have gone to sleep
Can you see us in the sky
We are afraid and alone
Because God knows I don't want to be an angel
God knows I don't want to be an angel
God knows I don't want to be an angel

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